Contact Us

If you have any questions about Rotary Club of Kushtia, including information on supporting our efforts or questions about our projects , or even volunteer opportunities, please contact us by send mail at And you can meet with us at meeting.
Keep your eyes on Website.

Club Contact

Rotary Club of Kushtia

Club ID No: 83901
SunUp International School & College
93, N.S. Road, Thana Traffic More (Bak Chattar)
Kushtia-7000, Bangladesh


President Contact

Rtn. K. A. M. Ruaim Rabbie MPHF MD

A. Hamid Market (2nd floor)
N. S. Road, Kushtia-7000.
Cell: +880 1712 149 673

Secretary Contact

Rtn. Md. Sabbir Al-Ansary

Salauddin tower
level-3 apartment no:402
RA khan Chowdhury Road, Kushtia.

Cell: +880177 7798 580

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