Project Cataract Surgery of a Hapless Man
At the joint project of Rotary Club of Kushtia and Rotary Club of Dhaka North… Under this project cataract surgery of a hapless man done…
উপানন্দ রাজবংশী (উপাখেপা) ঢোল ও খোল বাদক। চোখের সমস্যার জন্য জেলা প্রশাসক ও লালন একাডেমি, কুষ্টিয়া এর সভাপতি মোঃ এহতেশাম রেজার কাছে গেলে তিনি রোটারি জেলা গভর্নর এর এডভাইজার রোটাঃ অজয় সুরেকাকে প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণের জন্য অনুরোধ জানান।
এ অবস্থায় রোটারি ক্লাব অব কুষ্টিয়া ও রোটারি ক্লাব অব ঢাকা নর্থ এগিয়ে আসে। গতকাল রোটারি আই হসপিটালে ক্যাটার্যাক্ট সার্জারি হয়েছে। আজ সকালে হাসপাতাল থেকে রিলিজ হলো। তার সঙ্গে কেউ না থাকায় তার বাড়ি শহরতলীর ত্রিমোহনীতে তাকে পৌঁছে দেয়া হলো।

Intention of Preserving the Balance of the Environment
With the intention of preserving the balance of the environment, Rotary Club of Kushtia has planted palm seeds at Pouro 6 Govt Primary School, Kushtia.

Extended Warm Wishes to Vsiting 52 CYCLISTS (50 Indians & 2 Britishes)
Rotary Club of Kushtia extended warm wishes to visiting 52 CYCLISTS (50 Indians & 2 Britishes) in the evening of 25 September 2023.

Free Dental Camp
At a Free Dental Camp today with the cooperation of Rotary Club of Kushtia.

Given Some Financial Assistance
Rotary Club of Kushtia has given some financial assistance to President Gazi Golam Mostafa and Head Teacher Afsana Begum of Neuro Developmental Disabilities (NDD) Protection of Social Welfare School, Kushtia.

Hygiene Projects. Under the project Wastepaper Buskets, Slippers and Bliching Powder given
Time: 10:30 AM
Venue: Pouro 6 Government Primary School, Thanapara, Kushtia
Time: 11:00 AM
Venue: Pouro 2 Government Primary School Aruapara, Kushtia
Time: 11:15 AM
Venue: Dinamoni Primary School, Beside Rajar Pukur, Aruapara, Kushtia

Formally Opening the Women Safety Zone
Thanks a lot to District Governor Rtn Md Ashrafuzzaman Nannu for formally opening the Women Safety Zone at Gorai Mohila College, Kushtia during his Official Club Visit to Rotary Club of Kushtia on 27 July 2023.

Million Mask March at Administration Level
As part of Millon Mask March, Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed thousands of masks today. On behalf of the club, President Rtn Kamruzzaman Nasir handed over musks to Mr Md Saidul Islam, DC, Kushtia at his office.
Masks were given to Rtn Sabuz Zeb Un Nisa, Head Mistress, Kalakakali Secondary School, Kushtia for her staff and students. Masks were also distributed at the Covid-19 Vaccination Centre at that school campus.

Million Mask March at Hospital
Under the project of Millon Mask March, Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed hundreds of masks today to the employees and workers at the under construction Selima Medical College Hospital Ltd, Kushtia.

Million Mask March at Rural Area
Millon Mask March has been boost up since the rise of OMICRON. Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed lots of masks today to the employees of KNB Group, Bottoil, Kushtia.
Later, Fellowship Meeting held at KNB VIP Canteen with Club First Lady Rtn Chamaly Zaman in the chair.

11th Installation Ceremony – 2022
11th Installation Ceremony – 2022 of Rotary Club of Kushtia held on 21 January 2022. District Governor Barrister Mutasim Billah Faruqui was Chief Guest.

Blanket Distribution in poor peoples
On the behalf of Rotary Club of Kushtia Rotarian Ajay Sureka, Lieutenant Governor, Rotary International District 3281, Bangladesh and Finance Secretary of Kushtia District Awami League distributed winter clothes among the poor peoples.
Winter clothes were given to the helpless and destitute citizens in wards 7 and 8 of Kushtia Municipality. Rotarian Smriti Sureka, Rotarian Ruaim Rabbi, Kushtia Municipality 7th Ward Commissioner HM Tanvir Nobel, Kushtia Municipality 8th Ward Commissioner Sheikh Kaushik Ahmed and local leaders were present on the occasion.

Blankets distribution at Railway Station
Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed blankets tonight at Court Station and Bok Chattar, Kushtia.
Thanks a lot to Rtn Pdg Sam Showket Hossain and Rtn Ajoy Sureka for helping with this project.

Celebrating 50th Golden Jubilee of Victory
Rotary Club of Kushtia pays homage to heroic martyrs of Liberation War on 50th Golden Jubilee of Victory.

Millennium Mask March Distribution at Kushtia
Rotary Club of Kushtia is proud to be one the Platinum Partners of Millennium Mask March of Rotary International District 3281 Bangladesh, D7980 USA and Rossi Foundation. Under this project 3.5 million masks are being distributed in D3281 while 30 thousand masks are to be given at Kushtia. Our Hon’y Rtn Anowar Ali, Mayor, Kushtia Pourashova formally inaugurated the event.

Celebrating World Polio Day 2021
Rotary Club of Kushtia organised a colourful RALLY with the assistance of Rotaract Club of Kushtia and Interact Club of Kushtia. Thanks a million to Rotary Bangladesh National Polio Plus Committee (RBNPPC), specially its chair Rtn PDG Ishtiaque Zaman and Chief Coordinator Rtn Faridul Alam Newton , for their whole-hearted cooperation. Also thanks to Assistant Governor Rtn Fakhrul Alam Milon , club president Rtn Kamruzzaman Nasir and secretary Rtn Md Jahidul Islam for making the event a success.

Awareness Rally World Breast Cancer Day
On the occasion of World Breast Cancer Day, Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged a public awareness rally, distribution of leaflets and financial assistance was given to the cancer patients. Breast Cancer Awareness Day is being celebrated for the 9th time in the country. In continuation of this, Rotary Club of Kushtia has celebrated this day to raise awareness among the general public about breast cancer. This year the theme of the day is ‘Screening saves lives’.

Free Surgery for repairing a cleft lip
Rotary Club of Kushtia organized a Free Surgery for Children to put a smile on the child’s face and establish peace in the mind of the parents by a specialist cleft team at Dr. Tofazzul Health & Diagnostic Center. It’s a project for repairing a cleft lip or cleft palate through surgery under Maternal and child health focus. We have found 112 children but we select 26 children according to the doctor’s suggestion. Every child will get free medicine.

Covid Care on Wheels- September 21
“Covid Care on Wheels” a joint initiative of Rotary Club of Kushtia and Kushtia Foundation. Providing oxygen and first aid 24 hours in Kushtia district.

Project Title: Encourage Students to go to School During Covid-19
It’s a door to door campaign of Rotary Club of Kushtia to encourage students to go to school during Covid-19.
September is BASIC EDUCATION AND LITERACY Month of Rotary International. Our school is open from 12 September but the presence of students is very poor at school. So Rotary Club of Kushtia doing a regular project to increase the presence of students at school. Parents are getting fear to send them to school. So Rotarians are going to their house and telling them how is running our school with the maintain safety rules for Covid-19. From this project, parents are feeling safe and agree to send their children to school.

Project Title: Covid-19 Awareness Campaign Among the Students
Rotary club of Kushtia arranged Covid-19 Awareness Campaign and Covid Care Materials Distribution project at 6 No. Pouro Govt. Primary School, Kushtia on 21 September 2021. Covid Care Materials Distributed among the students.

Project Title: Covid Care Materials Distribution and Awareness Campaign
Rotary club of Kushtia arranged Covid Care Materials Distribution and Awareness Campaign at Seurea Secondary School, Kushtia on 20 September 2021. Covid Care Materials Distributed among the students.

Project Title: Covid-19 Awareness Campaign and Covid Care Materials Distribution
Rotary club of Kushtia arranged Covid-19 Awareness Campaign and Covid Care Materials Distribution project at Shaheed Mahmud Hossain Sachchu Autism School & Rehabilitation Centre, Hatosh Horipur, Kushtia on 20 September 2021. Covid Care Materials Distributed among the students.

Project Title: Tree Plantation
Rotary club of Kushtia arranged a Tree Plantation project at Shaheed Mahmud Hossain Sachchu Autism School & Rehabilitation Centre, Hatosh Horipur, Kushtia on 20 September 2021. Around 300 saplings were distibuted.

Project Title: Free Physiotherapy Camp
Free Physiotherapy Camp of Rotary Club of Kushtia (RID 3281 Bangladesh) and Rotary Club of Nagpur West (RID 3030 India) on 15 September 2021. It’s a project of Rotary Global Grant GG2013922. Around 100 patients got treatment on this day.

Project Title: Covid Care on Wheels Project in August 2021
Covid Care on Wheels is a joint project of Rotary Club of Kushtia andKushtia Foundation. This project is running from July 2021 to now at kushtia district. Around 1500+ patients got support from this project in August 2021.

Project Title: Oxygen Cylinder Receiving for Covid Care on Wheels Project
Covid Care on Wheels is a joint project of Rotary Club of Kushtia andKushtia Foundation. Kushtia Zila School batch-1966 provided 9 oxygen cylinders and cash to this project. And Kushtia Foundation Chairman, Mr. Shahriar Pavel provided three more oxygen cylinders.

Project Title: Celebration National Mourning Day
August 15, 2021 is the day of national mourning. On this occasion, the Rotary Club of Kushtia laid a wreath at the Kushtia Collectorate premises and paid homage to the sculpture of Bangabandhu.

Project Title: Minnow Releasing in the Gorai River
Rotary Club of Kushtia released various types of minnow in the Gorai river. Rotarians were present in this project.