COVID-19 Project: Rotary Disaster Response Grant DR52 for Food Distribution

Rotary Club of Kushtia had distributed Food and Cash to 80 families. The amount was 2500.00 tk for each family. This project had completed with the help of Rotary Disaster Response Grant DR52.

Rotary Club of Kushtia, Rotary, Rotary International, Rotary International District 3281

COVID-19 Project: Develop a shop to grow Business

Rotary Club of kushtia helped to 3 peoples who were not able to run business in COVID-19. Rotay Club of Kushtia gave them to invest an amount to each people to start a business again. Now they don’t need to ask help to others.

COVID-19 Project: Community Service Project

About a month ago, a house was burned by fire at Baria village of Battail union in Kushtia district. They were 6 member’s family. They were under the open sky as they could not afford to build a house in Covid-19. Someone informed to Rotary Club of Kushtia. Rotarians visited that place to take a decision to build a house for him.
Today 30 May 2020, Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Kushtia officially visited the house and exchanged greetings with all the members, including the owners Monica and Lalon. Construction of the house has been completed and family members are living. Monica and Lalon express their gratitude to the Rotary Club of Kushtia.

COVID-19 Project: Eid Gift Distribution

Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed dry food to poor people on the occasion of Eid. More than 2200+ people got this dry food.

COVID-19 Project: Safety Face Shields Distributed To Kushtia General Hospital

RPIC PDG SAM Showket Hossain and Rotary Club of Kushtia jointly distributed Face Shield at 250-bed General Hospital, Kushtia today 16 May 2020. Superintendent (Deputy Director) Dr. Most. Nurun-Nahar Begum, Residential Medical Officer Dr. Tapas Kumar Sarkar and Assistant Professor (Cardiology) Dr. Nasimul Bari Bappi received Face Shield from Rotary Club of Kushtia. ADG PP Ajoy Sureka, President Syeda Habiba and President Elect Kazi Shamsun Naher Alo handover Face Shield to them.

COVID-19 Project: Food Distribution at Ramadan

Rotary Club of Kushtia giving 1000 packet food everyday to various professionals during ifter time. Rotarian’s and Rotaracts are working together from 1st Ramadan and it will till last Ramadan.

COVID-19 Project: Vegetables collection from Farmer

Rotary Club of Kushtia are collecting various fresh vegetables from farmers by cash and giving them food also. After that, we are giving those fresh vegetables to a needy family at no cost.

COVID-19 Project: Donating Food to Lock Down Family

Rotary Club of Kushtia had donated food to lock down family with baby food. Rotary Club of Kushtia are working for all at Kushtia.

COVID-19 Project: Donating Food at Night

Rotary Club of Kushtia donating food at night in kushtia city. Rotarian’s find the family who is not getting food. They are a respective person in society. They can’t ask for help. Rotary Club of Kushtia supported them in COVID-19 situation.

COVID-19 Project: Jointly Donating Food

Rotary Club of Kushtia donating food to various level people from beginning. Bidyanondo foundation impressed with our work. We received food from Bidyanondo foundation for 500 families which were very helpful for our project.

COVID-19 Project: Donating Food

Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed food to various professionals at Kushtia. From April 1st, through April 24, 2020, 4250 families have received food. Rotarian’s are working from morning to night.

COVID-19 Project: Corona Awareness Campaign

Awareness Campaign to alert people from COVID-19. Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged 10 hand wash system at Kushtia City. Rotarian’s are monitoring this and sending a message to people on how to save their life from COVID-19.

Food Distribution Project

As part of Projects for hapless people due to lockdown for Corona situation, Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed essential food items at its RCC Rahimpur, Kushtia area on 2nd April 2020.

COVID-19, CoronaVirus

COVID-19 Awareness Campaign

In this corona virus disaster situation, Rotary Club of Kushtia saw that many people are not following safety rule during transport at main road of Kushtia. So Rotary Club of Kushtia is doing Awareness Campaign continue…

COVID-19 Kushtia

COVID-19 at Kushtia

Awareness Programs for Saving People from Corona Virus

Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged a awareness programs for saving people from Corona Virus. This awareness programs Helped by Surekha Enterprises, Sunup International School & College and Rotary Club of Kushtia. And many Other Rotarian arranged Corona virus awareness programs also.

Awareness programs for saving people from corona virus Kushtia

Free Physiotherapy Health Camp

Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged a free Physiotherapy Health Camp on the celebration of 100th Birth Anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Rotary Physiotherapy Center, Ghiasuddin Super Market Mojompur, Kushtia on 17 March 2020. 200+ Patient had treatment under this free camp.

Rotary Physiotherapy Center Kushtia

Opening of Rotary Physiotherapy Center

Rotary Club of Kushtia opened Rotary Physiotherapy Center on 26 February 2020 at Mozampur Bus Stand, KushtiaHon’y Rtn Anwar Ali, Mayor, Kushtia Pourashova formally opened it. Poor people will get maximum benefit from Rotary Physiotherapy Center.

Financial Support for Medical Patient

Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged a Financial Support for Medical Patient on 26 February 2020. Hon’y Rtn Anwar Ali, Mayor, Kushtia Pourashova handed over a cheque to a poor barber at Gias Uddin Super Market (2nd floor), Mozompur Bus Stand, Kushtia.

Welcomed to The 8th India-Bangladesh International Cross-Border Friendship Cycle Rally

At the 8th India-Bangladesh International Cross- Boder Friendship Cycle Rally on 17 February 2020 at Bijoy Ullash, Kushtia Pourashova. On the way to Dhaka cyclists, coming from West Bengal, stayed tonight at Jyoti Foundation, Kushtia. Rotary Club of Kushtia entertained them.

Rotary Club of Kushtia