Project: Website Development and Support Agreement

Rotary Club of Kushtia has been signed with Freedom Soft to develop a website and support on 12 July 2019 at M A Rahim Auditorium, Kushtia Pourashova. Freedom Soft presented the new website of Rotary Club of Kushtia among the members. Now all projects and necessary information will be found on the website. 

Project: 1st Tree Plantation of Rotary year 2019-20

Rotary Club of Kushtia organized 1st Tree Plantation project of Rotary year 2019-20 held this afternoon at RCC (Rotary Community Corps) Rahimpur, Kushtia. The need for tree plantation has become even greater these days because of the growing pollution in the environment. Near 3000 saplings were distributed among the resident of Rahimpur and they planted in their area.

Project: Water & Sanitation Project March 2019

Water & Sanitation Project 2019 of Rotary Club of Kushtia, with the assistance from District Designated Fund, on 30 March 2019 at RCC (Rotary Community Corps) Rahimpur, Kushtia. Under this project two tube-wells and two sanitary latrines were set up.

Water & Sanitation

Project: Giving Academic Excellence Award

As permanent project of Rotary Club of Kushtia, 18 meritorious students of 6 No. Pouro Govt. Primary School were given Academic Excellence Awards on 20 December 2018. Near 200 student was present with their parents.

Project: Lalon Addition – Kushtia Round

Lalon Addition – Kushtia Round held on 23 November 2018 October 2018 at Kushtia Pouroshava Auditorium. Hosted By: Rotary Club of Kushtia. District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir, Chief Judge: Rtn Farida Perveen and Assistant Governor Rtn Shamim were present. 5 Candidates were chosen from this round.

Project: Service Project (Wheelchair Distribution)

District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir has formaly distributed Wheelchairs among disabled and autistic people as Chief Guest on 23 November 2018 at Kushtia Pouroshava Auditorium.

Project: Service Project (Sewing machine)

Sewing machine Distribution Project on 23 November 2018 at Kushtia Pouroshava Auditorium. District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir has distributed Sewing machine among the poor family.  District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir was present as Chief Guest.

Project: Service Project (Education Help)

District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir has formaly distributed Wheelchairs among disabled and autistic people as Chief Guest on 23 November 2018 at Kushtia Pouroshava Auditorium.

Project: Eye Care Project October 2018

District Governor Rtn AFM Alamgir has formally distributed Wheelchairs among disabled and autistic people as Chief Guest on 23 November 2018 at Kushtia Pouroshava Auditorium.

Project: Awareness Campaign for World Cancer Day

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, an Awareness Campaign held on 4 February 2019 at KSM Dhaka-Minapara School & College, Jagati, Kushtia. Like previous year, it was jointly organized by Rotary Club of Kushtia and Himu Paribahan, Kushtia. More than 200 students was present there.

Project: Multi club service project September 2018

Attended Multi club service project at Purbachal, Dhaka on 14 September 2018. Project involved with Medical camp, Education material distribution, tree plantation, Fish fry release.

Project: 3 Days Cataract Operation August 2018

3 Days Free Cataract Operation held on 17-19 August 2018. It was Jointly Organized By: Rotary Club of Baridhara Central, Rotary Club of Dhaka Buriganga, Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown, Rotary Club of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminious, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East, Rotary Club of Dhaka Paradise, Rotary Club of Dinajpur, Rotary Club of Eskaton, Rotary Club of Greater Dhaka, Rotary Club of Kushtia, Rotary Club of Kushtia West, Rotary Club of Motijheel, Rotary Club of Shaymoli and Rotary Club of Uttara.

On 17th August we checked patient for cataract operation and selected near 200 patients. There was 500+ patient for the cataract operation. 3 Days Free Cataract Operation. Jointly Organized By: Rotary Club of Baridhara Central, Rotary Club of Kushtia,  Rotary Club of Dhaka Buriganga, Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown, Rotary Club of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminious, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East, Rotary Club of Dhaka Paradise, Rotary Club of Dinajpur, Rotary Club of Eskaton, Rotary Club of Greater Dhaka, Rotary Club of Kushtia West, Rotary Club of Motijheel, Rotary Club of Shaymoli and Rotary Club of Uttara.

500+ patient was present at 3 Days Free Cataract Operation. Jointly Organized By: Rotary Club of Baridhara Central, Rotary Club of Kushtia,  Rotary Club of Dhaka Buriganga, Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown, Rotary Club of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminious, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East, Rotary Club of Dhaka Paradise, Rotary Club of Dinajpur, Rotary Club of Eskaton, Rotary Club of Greater Dhaka, Rotary Club of Kushtia West, Rotary Club of Motijheel, Rotary Club of Shaymoli and Rotary Club of Uttara.

Project: Successfully completed 3 Days Cataract Operation

Cataract Operation was successfully completed on 19th August 2018. This operation Jointly Organized By: Rotary Club of Baridhara Central, Rotary Club of Kushtia,  Rotary Club of Dhaka Buriganga, Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown, Rotary Club of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminious, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East, Rotary Club of Dhaka Paradise, Rotary Club of Dinajpur, Rotary Club of Eskaton, Rotary Club of Greater Dhaka, Rotary Club of Kushtia West, Rotary Club of Motijheel, Rotary Club of Shaymoli and Rotary Club of Uttara.

Project: Joint Cleft Surgery

German-Bangladesh Cleft Surgery held on 8 February 2018 at Dr Tofazzul Health Centre, Kushtia. It was organized by Sheikh Hasina Free Health Care Centre and supported by Rotary Club of Kushtia. Under this project, around 50 patients were screened while 27 children got admitted and operated. Doctor said, “Cleft lip and cleft palate happen is one of the most common birth defects. Both cleft lip and cleft palate are treatable. Most kids can have surgery to repair them within the first year or two of life.”

Project: International Mother Language Day Celebration

Club Celebrated International Mother Language Day and paid homage to Central Shaheed Minar, Kushtia on 21 February 2018. On 23 February 2018, club dignified Vasasainik (Language Fighter) Ex-Rtn Nazm Uddin Ahmad for his extra ordinary role in the Language Movement of 1952. Club also dignified Bird Lover SI Sohel and Journalist SM Jamal Khan for their contribution to Birds Preservation and Journalism respectively.

Project: Helping Fire Burnt Family

Club helped a fire burnt family at the village of Te-baria, Kumarkhali, Kushtia on 24 February 2018. They were fully burnt by fire. Under this project, around Tk 20,000/- (Twenty thousand) was given in cash and kind. They were very thankful to get this donate.

Project: Awareness of Cleft

Famous Plastic Surgeon Dr Mohammad Qamruzzaman FCPS, MS ( Plastic Surgery), Asso. Prof. and Departmental Head, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Dpt, Mohakhali, Dhaka was Guest Speaker on the meeting of 8 February 2018.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Daulatpur Autism School

1st Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with Daulatpur Autism School, Kushtia on 15 January 2018 at their campus. Mr. Md. Toufiqur Rahman, UNO of Daulatpur, Kushtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest while President, Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. Besides print media, project news air on MyTv on 15 January 2018. More than 300 blankets were given among the autistic students.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Buddhi Protibondhi Biddyaloy, Kushtia (Autism School)

2nd Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with Buddhi Protibondhi Biddyaloy, Kushtia on 16 January 2018 at their campus. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman Ata, President, City Awami League, Kushtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest while President, Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. More than 150 blankets were given among the autistic students.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at SunUp Campus-1, Kushtia

3rd Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with SunUp School & College on 18 January 2018 at their campus-1. Prof. Dr. Md. Selim Toha, Treasurer, Islamic University, Kushtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest while President, Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. Besides print media, project news air on BijoyTv on 20 January 2018. More than 200 blankets & 110 children jackets were given among the poor.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Field AGM Bricks

4th Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly successfully held with Rotary Club of Gulshan Lake View & AGM Bricks on 19 January 2018 at its klin. Rtn. PP. Md. Obaidur Rahman, President, Rotary Club of Kushtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest while Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. More than 150 blankets were given among the laborers of AGM Bricks.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Mir Bari, Bottoil, Kushtia

5th Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with Rotary Club of Gulshan Lake View on 20 January 2018 at Mir Bari, Bottoil, Kushtia. Rtn. Md. Obaidur Rahman, President, Rotary Club of Kushtia and Rtn. Mir Arifuzzaman, President, Rotary Club of Gulshan Lake View were graced the occasion as Guest of Honour while Secretary, club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there. Some honourable members were present there. More than 100 blankets were given among the nearby poor villagers.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Hatosh Horipur, Kushtia

6th Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with Dharmatala Friends Society & Dr. Liza-Dr. Ratan MATS, Kushtia on 20 January 2018 at Hatosh Horipur Bazar, Kushtia. Rtn. Dr. AFM Aminul Haque Ratan, Secretary, BMA, Kushtia and Finance Director of Rotary Club of Kuhtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Rtn. Dr. Asma Jahan Liza, Chairman, Dr. Liza-Dr. Ratan MATS, Kushtia, President, Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. Besides print media, project news air on MyTv & BijoyTv on 20 January 2018. More than 450 blankets were given among the nearby poor villagers.

Project: Winter Cloth Distribution at Kumarkhali, Kushtia

7th Joint Winter Cloth Distribution Project jointly held with Manush Manusher Jonno Foundation on 23 January 2018 at Barnamala Autism School, Mahendrapur, Jagannathpur UP, Kumarkhali, Kushtia. Mr. Md. Shahinuzzaman, UNO of Kumarkhali, Kushtia was graced the occasion as Chief Guest. President, Secretary and club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia were present there as Special Guests. Around 100 blankets were given among the nearby poor villagers.

Project: Cheque Disbursement

Two cheques of Tk 5,000/- each were disbursed to Principal, Buddhi Protibondhi Biddalaya (Autism School) and Mrs. Shema Bashar for the academic purpose of her orphan children on 29 December 2017 at the 7th Installation Ceremony venue by Mr. Md. Zahir Raihan, Deputy Commissioner of Kushtia and Rtn. PDG Dr. Mir Anisuzzaman PHF B MD.

Project: Giving Academic Excellence Award

As permanent project of Rotary Club of Kushtia, 18 meretorius students of 6 No. Pouro Govt. Primary School were given Academic Excellence Awards on 31 December 2017. Mr. Md. Alauddin, Upazila Primary Education Officer, Kushtia Sadar was present there as Chief Guest.

Project: Relief Distribution & Medical Camp

Relief Distribution & Medical Camp Among Flood Victims jointly held by Rotary Club of Kushtia & Rotary Club of Pangsha-Rajbari on September 12 2017 at Madhobpur Bazar, Kalukhali, Rajbari. 215 bags of rice (5 kg) were distributed among flood affected people while over 1 thousand poor patients were treated and given medicine over Tk 1 Lakh.

Project: Awareness Sticker & Festoon about Qurbani Garbage

500 Awareness Stickers were pasted and distributed while 20 Festoons were displayed in and around Kushtia city corners on September 1 regarding Qurbani Garbage. Moreover, Awareness Slogans were published in The Daily Bangladesh Barta on that day.

Project: Distribution of New Eid Dress

Muslims observe basically 2 major religious festivals in all over the world. As Bangladesh is a developing country, many poor are deprived of the flavor of the festivities, due to poverty. We distribute New Eid Dress among 100 unprivileged children on 19 July, 2016.

Project: Distribution of Seven Wheelchairs

Seven wheelchairs were distributed among very poor disable persons at Kushtia Pouroshava at 10am this morning. It’s a joint project between Rotary Club of Kushtia and Rotary Club of Sundarban,Khulna. City Mayor, Hon’ Rotariants Md. Anwar Ali was present as chief guest while Club President Hajji Rafiqul Alam Tuku presided over the programme. AG Rtn. GM Kamruzzaman, AG Rtn. Md. Md Akamuddin, IPP Rtn. Ajoy Sureka, Club Trainer Rtn. Md. Obaidur Rahman.

Project: Tree Plantation among 8 Schools

Tree Plantation and 200 siblings distribution;
1. 6 No. Primary School
2. 2 No. Primary School
3. Secondary School
4. Kalokakoli Cheuria Secondary School
5. SunUp Int’l School & College
6. Mir Mossarrof High School
7. Muslim High School
8. G. K High School

Project: Cheque Distribution among Helpless Student

Financial Assistance of Helpless Students. President Hajji Rafiqul Alam Tuku, Rotary Club of Kushtia was Chief Guest there. Among others, club member of Rotary Club of Kushtia participated in it. Cheque Distribution among helpless student conducted by Rotary Club of kushtia at October 1, 2016.

Project: Farewell for Primary Education Certificate

Farewell to the candidates for Primary Education Certificate held at 6 No. Pouro Govt. Primary School, Kushtia. President Hajji Rafiqul Alam Tuku was Chief Guest there. Among others, club officials of Rotary Club of Kushtia participated in it.

Project: Two Days Long Book Fair of History

Two days long Book Fair of History ended last night at Kushtia Public Library. Organized by Bangladesh History Sammiloni and cooperated by Rotary Club of Kushtia & SunUp International School & College, Prof Dr Muntasir Mamun spoke on it.Among others, Md Zahir Raihan, DC of Kushtia, Prof Abul Ahsan Chowdhury of Islamic University, AG Md Akamuddin also spoke and broadcast by my TV and JTV. A TV report on Itihaser Boi Mela arranged by the Rotary Club of Kushtia.

Project: New Book Distribution

The Rotarians are ready to distribute books at 6 No. Govt. Poura Primary School

Project: Opening Ceremony of Cheuria Junior High School

Opening Ceremony of newly constructed modern building held at Cheuria Junior High School, Kushtia. Md. ZahirRaihan, DC, Kushtia formally inaugurated it. Donated by club members all the expenses (around Tk Six lakhs). Heartfelt thanks to Zaman Bhai. Everybody was very helpful and co-operative and did their duty with great care and really it was a golden and a great achievement year for the Rotarians. With thanks the progressive report was ended successfully.