Project Title: Tree Plantation at RCC Jugia
Climate change is the biggest threat to the planet Earth. The biggest problem in the world today is the inequality of the environment. It is possible to play a comprehensive role in solving this problem by planting adequate trees. The Rotary Club of Kushtia is determined to play a leading role in this endeavor.

Project Title: Oxygen Cylinder Distribution Ceremony
Duke Family willingly handed over 7 oxygen cylinders to the Rotary Club of Kushtia for covid-19 patients on 8th July 2021.
Md Mahbubul Haque Duke was present from Duke Family.

Project Title: Food Distribution in Covid-19 situation
Rotary Club of Kushtia has distributed cooked food to the doctors and volunteers of 250-bed Kushtia General Hospital engaged in the service of Covid-19 patients. This project is sponsored by KNB Agro Industries Ltd.

Project Title: Covid Care on Wheels
“Covid Care on Wheels” a joint initiative of Rotary Club of Kushtia and Kushtia Foundation. Providing oxygen and first aid 24 hours in Kushtia district.It’s started on 1st July 2021 and a continuous project. RC Kushtia giving food to a 250-bed general hospital every day in this covid-19 situation.

Project Title: Vegetable Van Distribution
Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed Vegetable Van to a poor man with vegetables. So he can start earning for his family.

Project Title: Sewing Machine Distribution
Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed sewing machine distribution to a poor woman for creating income opportunities in their family. Now she can start earning from this project.

Project Title: Handicrafts Project at RCC Jugia
Selling Handicrafts product online. It’s a project of RC Kushtia. Rotary Club of Kushtia opens an online platform for Selling handicrafts products. The E-commerce site is Anyone can add their product here and sell it online from home.

Project Title: Rotary Pre-primary School & Library
Rotary Club of Kushtia opens a Pre-primary School & Library in the RCC Jugia. Many children are not getting an education in this RCC. Their parent hasn’t able to start education at this moment. So RC Kushtia starts Pre-primary School & Library in RCC Jugia.

Project Title: Water & Sanitation project at RCC Jugia
Rotary Club of Kushtia setup two washrooms for females and males under the Sanitation project at RCC Jugia. There are no sufficient sanitation facilities in the RCC Jugia. More than 80 peoples will get benefit from this project. We setup a drinking water facilities there also.

Project Title: Covid-19 Awareness Project
Rotary Club of Kushtia arranged a Covid-19 Awareness Project at RCC Jugia. More than 100 families covered under this project. Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed face mask, hand sanitizer and washing powder among the 100 families.

Project Title: Distribution a Personal Computer
Rotary Club of Kushtia distributed a Personal Computer to educated people to make an income opportunity for his family. It will him to support financially.

Project Title: Celebrating Mother’s Day
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Peace building and conflict prevention
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Vaccination for Hepatitis B Eradication
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment.
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Rickshaws distribution to a helpless family
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Community economic development
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Everyday Ifter Distribution in the covid-19 situation
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Peace building and conflict prevention
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Covid-19 Project- 30 Days Food Distribution
Rotary Club of Kushtia has been distributed food among the various peoples in covid-19 situation. It was started on the 1st of Ramadan and end on 30 Ramadan. We gave food to 250 bed general hospital and various places in Kushtia district everyday. Thanks to all Rotarians, Rotarian Kids and Non-Rotarians who donated for this project. Thanks to all volunteers who were helped us to distribute food into Hospital.

Project Title: Celebrated Youth Service Month
Rotary Club of Kushtia celebrated Youth Service Month today. On this occasion, Rotary club of Kushtia arranged training with the youth. Past Assistant Governor Rotarian Md. Forhad Ali Khan RFSM and Assistant Governor 2021-22 Rotarian Md. Fakhrul Alam Milon RFSM was trained them. President Rotarian Kazi Shamsun Naher Alo PHF conducts the program. Secretary Rotarian Ruaim Rabbie and Rotarian Adv. Md. Mossaddeque Ali Moni PHF was present there.

Project Title: 101 Tree plantation on the occasion of Bangabandhu’s birthday
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Supporting the environment
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Dustbins distribution to food stalls
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Water, sanitation and hygiene
Place: Kushtia

Project Title: Free online registration for Covid-19 Vaccination
Rotary’s Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment
Place: Kushtia